
luni, 27 septembrie 2010

'95 Opel Calibra

Hi poly version of the model; used for baking the normals onto the game version.

vineri, 12 martie 2010

Concept vehicle

full res crops

software used: 3ds max, v-ray, photoshop, AutoCAD.

vineri, 19 iunie 2009

Some work (team work) done on a monument in Bucharest. I dind't model the actual building...just the cover,
and the structure sustaining it. I repaired the building's geometry
because it was a mess, but considering the deadline it was better than nothing.
The textures were done very quickly, no unwrap or anything...just so that you can see the materials.
Benches and trees from evermotion.
About a day's work, i think.

joi, 23 aprilie 2009

from concept to 3d

This is my latest work. A concept 2 wheel vehicle. I only have some clay renders for now.
There will be a textured version sometime.